Telegram Spy

Chamspy allows you to monitor Telegram activity of your child or employee.

Monitor all Telegram messages
Keep track of secret chats

Supervise Telegram contacts

Telegram Spy

Chamspy allows you to monitor Telegram activity of your child or employee.

Monitor all Telegram messages
Keep track of secret chats

Supervise Telegram contacts

  • Sign up

    Sign up

    Use your email to register your account.

  • Install APP


    Install ChamSpy according to our operating instructions.

  • monitoring phone

    Start monitoring

    Check GPS, phone, SMS,and social network messages through ChamSpy.

Telegram has gained considerable popularity among children and adults. On Telegram, users can exchange messages, photos, videos, stickers, and audio. It’s known for its convenience and safety feature. Telegram encrypts all the messages sent through it. In such a case, parents may worry about their child communicates with an unknown third party and be vulnerable to various cybercrimes. Therefore, this is where a spy app can work.

Telegram spy app

With Chamspy, you can easily monitor your child’s Telegram activity without letting him know about. You’ll able to supervise all sent and received Telegram messages as well as timestamps. Moreover, Chamspy app allows you to keep track of your kid’s secret chats to prevent unwanted activities. You can also know whom your child is communicating with and stops suspicious contacts.