
Can not log in chamspy?

updated on 06 19, 2020 | Blog

chamspy app

If you encounter the following account problems when logging into, then you can solve the problem according to our user guide.

You need to check the following :

1 If your email or password contains spaces at the beginning and end , please delete the spaces;

2 Check the status of your Caps Lock key , the input content needs to be case sensitive, this includes your email and the entered password;

3 Your email will contain the username and password we sent to you, you need to check whether they are completely consistent;

It is recommended that you copy and paste the user name and password into the input box. If your browser does not support this operation, try to enter it manually.

1 If you still can’t access your account, please click “Forgot Password” and enter the email address you used during registration to complete the password change operation;

2 You can check the right key to change the password in your email and follow the instructions to complete the password modification;

3 If you still can’t solve your problem, please contact our customer service in website, our customer service will guide you to solve the problem.




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