
4 Ways parents can deal with kid’s coronavirus anxiety

updated on 09 17, 2020 | Blog

chamspy app

Parents faces unique challenges during COVID-19 as this disease brings with feelings like anxiety, stress and uncertainty. In particular, these are felt strongly by kids of all ages. The good news is that there are several ways to manage and deal with kid’s coronavirus anxiety. With proper awareness and parental control, kids’ anxiety can be reduced and eased. Here are some ways that can cope with anxiety and give a sense of control even during uncertain time.

The impact of coronavirus anxiety for kids

Kids are likely to be experiencing fear as all sorts of fatal data distract them a lot in fear of losing their loved ones. If school have closed as part of necessary measures, kids can be frustrated about staying at home. They have less opportunity to be with their friends and get the social support that is essential for good mental well-being. Moreover, the news channels and social media now are flooded with data related with COVID-19. kids may take some fake news seriously and get anxious about the coming days. Thus, it’s quite important for parents to ease anxiety and apply parental control.

How to deal with kids’ coronavirus anxiety?

Kids rely on their parents for safety, both physical and emotional. It’s responsibility of parents to take measures to deal with kids’ coronavirus anxiety. Here are some guidelines parents can follow to ease kids’ anxiety.

Address kid’s fear

Parents can reassure your kids by answering questions about the pandemic simple and honestly. You can talk with children about any frightening news they hear. Moreover, talk through how you are managing your own feelings. It can help ease kids’ anxiety.

Stick to healthy routine

It’s advisable for kids to maintain bedtime and other routines during the pandemic. It can create a sense of order to the day and gives us peace of mind in a uncertain time. Too little sleep makes it more challenging to deal with emotions. Remember to turn off smart devices before bedtime.

Stick to healthy routine

Find out what your kids know

It’s not just enough to tell your kids about accurate facts because they may combine the new information you give them with the old information they have. You’d better find out what your kids already knows and start from there in terms of getting them on the right track.

Control online activities

Kids are badly affected due to social distancing. They do not what to do with their spare time. They will engage their leisure with apps and games. Kids may become addictive to gadgets and receive numerous news that ignites their anxiety during isolation period. It’s time for parents to control online activities and ease kids’ anxiety through a parental control app.

How to ease kids’ coronavirus anxiety with Chamspy?

The Chamspy parental control app is the perfect program to manage and control the online activities of your kids. It comes with a variety of features that can monitor and detect suspicious activities in your kids’ phone remotely. This application works on all smartphones and tablets running Android 4.x up to 10.x. All you need to do is register your Chamspy account with email and install the app following the instructions. Once completed, start monitor target phone and break the chain of fake news that build panic in kids.

To handle the coronavirus anxiety in kids you have to control the social media activities. Many fake news without any confirming source are transmitted through the social media platforms. Chamspy allows you to access installed apps on target device and block those social media remotely. Moreover, you can read a detailed overview about kids’ internet usage and track his/her browsing habits in real-time. You can easily know whether your kids are searching for information about COVID-19 and experiencing anxiety.

parental control app

To further enable parental control, you also can track what your kids have typed on their phone by keylogger feature. It keeps track of every stroke on target device. You’ll be able to access shared messages and search phrases. What makes Chamspy particularly attractive is its stealth mode. It runs in the background so that you can discreetly control kids’ online activities and identify potential dangers.


Coronavirus is causing widespread concern, fear and anxiety, especially among kids. To deal with coronavirus anxiety, parents can use Chamspy parental control app to block the media that spreads fake news about virus and create fear. It assists you to control kids’ online activities and engage them to focus on other real-time activities.




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