
How to block inappropriate websites on iPad?

updated on 11 30, 2020 | Blog

chamspy app

Does your kid spend too much time on the smart device? Are you observing a change in your kid’s behavior lately? Is it possible to control the type of content kids can access? If you are running into similar situation and want to know how to block inappropriate websites on iPad, you are at the right place. In the following guide, we’re going to show you how to block inappropriate website on iPad.

how to block inappropriate website on iPad.

Ways to block inappropriate websites on iPad

If your kids spend too much time on iPad, you want to manage and control the type of content they can access, you’re in luck. There are various ways that can help you set up parental controls. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Way 1. Chamspy parental control app

Chamspy is a feature-rich and reliable parental control app and monitoring tool that helps keep an eye on your kid’s digital activities. You also can set restrictions on the device. It works with all iPad and iPhone running iOS 9.4 and above. Here’s how you can do that:

Step 1. Register your Chamspy account with email

Step 2. Install the app on target device following the instructions

Step 3. Log in to your account and start your journey to parental control

Once you set it up, its web-based dashboard will walk you through the process of spying on target device. You can visit the “history tracker” option and read a detailed overview about someone’s internet usage. It gives you access to website URL, visit frequency, last visit time and whether it was bookmarked. Even if your target happens to clear their browsing history, you still can access to it by logging into your account.

Chamspy parental control app

Except for tracking browsing history, you can monitor SMS, call logs, location, calendar activities, videos, photos, keylogger and much more. If you detect any suspicious activities, you can simply block certain apps or games. It helps identify signs of digital dangers like cyberbullying, phishing, sexting and gives parents peace of mind that kids are safe online.

This app stays hidden on target device without any notification. It neither slow down the phone or drain much battery. Your kids will never find out you are tracking his/her device. Thus, you can track browser history without being found.

Way 2. Enable restrictions

If you are not ready to install any third-party app, you can use the native feature of iPad. It can keep porn and other adult-oriented sites from showing up on iPad. Follow the steps to enable restrictions.

Step 1. Navigate to Settings > General > Restrictions

Step 2. Tap on “Enable restrictions” and set up a 4-digit passcode

Step 3. Scroll down and select “Websites”

Step 4. From here, limit adult content or specific websites only

Limit adult content restricts access to pornographic and other adult-oriented sites websites. With the Specific websites only, you can create a list of allowed websites. It means that all other content will be blocker, excluding whatever you include in the list.

Step 5. You also can manually add websites that you wish to block. Under the “Never allow” section, you can add the website URL to block it.

In this way, you can block inappropriate websites on iPad. You also can check by visiting any adult website, it won’t show up.

Way 3. Block websites from router settings

Here comes another reliable way for you to block inappropriate websites. You can block websites from the network or router settings as well. However, it only works when the device is connected to the Wifi network. Kids can access the blocked websites by using mobile data.

Block websites

Nevertheless, it is a free solution to block sites. You can simply visit the router setting by using your credentials. Then provide the website URL and the keywords that you wish to block.

Wrapping up

How to block inappropriate websites on iPad is one of the most frequently researched topics for parents regarding their kids and cellphone. Thus, you can go through this guide and learn three feasible ways to block porn, adult, inappropriate content on your kid’s iPad. It helps avoid potential risks and offer an additional layer of protection for kids.




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