
How to monitor keystrokes on Android phone?

updated on 08 27, 2020 | Blog

chamspy app

The internet nourishes, entertains us and bring us a lot of benefits. We spend most of time on the internet and it seems a good place for us to spend time. However, it also poses a lot of dangers to us. Children are now exposed to more harmful content through the internet. Spouse may send inappropriate messages to another woman or man. Employees are likely to leak confidential information to rivals. To avoid these situations, we have to resort to keylogging to know what someone else had typed on target device. Thankfully, now tracking every strokes on target phone is not as hard as you think. Here we’ll going to introduce feasible ways to monitor keystrokes on Android phone.


Why monitor someone’s keystrokes?


The reasons why you want to track or monitor someone’s keystrokes can be various. As mentioned above, children are now exposed to more harmful content. They are easily swayed by harmful websites and pornographic content. Moreover, online predators may disguise themselves as peers and chat with children on a causal chat room without drawing attention. This can bring devastating impacts on the lives of children. Therefore, parents want to keep track of every stroke to ensure their children are safe online.


Another possible situation is that some employees waste working time chatting with friends or leak confidential information to rivals. These behaviors can put company at a loss. Employers want to track the keystroke on company-owned phone to ensure that the employee is still loyal to him. Similarly, if you have suspicions that your partner is cheating on you, you can monitor his keystrokes to know what he typed on target device. Thus, you can ensure that he didn’t send illicit messages to another woman.


Solution to monitor keystroke on Android


To save the embarrassment of others catching you in the act of peeking at their screen, we have found a better way to know most about someone. A reliable and full-featured keylogger called Chamspy allows you to keep track of every stroke on target device discreetly. It work in stealth mode and allows to you monitor keystroke secretly. It’s compatible with all smartphones and tablets running with Android 4.x and higher. Its intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it easy for you to keep an eye on someone’s phone activities. Here is a list of features that Chamspy can offer:


  • Capture every stroke made:Chamspy enables you to monitor every single keystroke of the target device. You can get access to search phrases, shared messages and know what someone else had typed on the phone.
  • Read text messages: This app allows you to monitor texting through keystrokes
  • View the website history: You can look website history by keystroke features. Parents can trace any harmful sites or web pages that children might have browsed.
  • Create alert keyword:You’ll get instant alert immediately if inappropriate keywords or phrases are used on your child’s phone.

Chamspy helps you keep an eye on someone’s phone activities and capture every keystroke on target device. You’ll know what kind of text your child send and receive, whether your partner is cheating on you, and whether your employees are loyal to you. This powerful tool allows you to know most about someone and prevent potential risks.


Additionally, with Chamspy, you’ll be able to track current location, set geofence alert, monitor messaging apps, view call logs and block unwanted calls and much more. You can try its 24-hour trial for the first attempt and explore its advanced features.


Is it legal to use Chamspy?


Under certain circumstances, it’s absolutely legal to use Chamspy. If you have ownership over the cell phone you want to monitor, you certainly can use Chamspy to track keystrokes or install any software. Any adults using such cell phone must be told it’s being monitored. However, if your child or family agree on this act and they understand security issue behind such decision, it would be great.




Smartphone has become an indispensable part in our life. It simplifies our life and comes with a variety of benefits. At the same time, it poses a lot of dangers to us. The best way to prevent those dangers is to use a reliable keylogger like Chamspy. It allows you to keep track of every stroke on target device and prevent online threats.




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