
How to spy on Viber messages?

updated on 09 22, 2020 | Blog

chamspy app

Viber is a commonly used instant messenger that makes communication easier. Like other messaging apps, it also hides different kinds of dangers like bullies, online predators, disclosure of trade secrets . There is a need to spy on Viber messages and avoid potential dangers. The proven way is to utilize a reliable Viber spy app. If you are curious about how to monitor Viber activities, just read on and follow this guide.

How to spy on Viber messages

Why you need to spy on Viber messages?

When you have children, you want to know their activities and ensure their safety. When you are running a company, you expect employee’s loyalty. However, there comes a time when you may want to spy on someone’s Viber messages. Some predators use Viber as a platform to look for victims. Kids may trust strangers easily, share much private information and be tempted to meet them. Or employees who have company-owned cell phone might be wasting time during working hours and sharing confidential information to rivals. As a result, you may wish to spy on Viber messages and avoid potential dangers.

How to monitor Viber messages?

Chamspy is the ultimate Viber spy app available for both Android and iOS devices. It assists you in monitoring all Viber activities and protect your kids from dangerous or unwanted interactions. It works on all smartphones and tablets running Android 4.x up to 10.x. To monitor Viber messages, you should follow these steps:

Step 1. Choose the subscription plan and proceed with the purchase

Step 2. Receive an email with the login and password to your personal control panel, log in to your panel to find the installation instructions

Step 3. Launch the target phone’s browser, type in the link for downloading Chamspy and continue with the installation

Step 4. Log in to your control panel and monitor Viber activities

With Chamspy, you’ll be able to read all sent and received messages, even those that have been deleted. You can know who your kids or employees are chatting with. It also allows you to track group conversations and prevent troublesome behavior before it stars.

Viber messages spyapp

Plus, you can easily track the date, time and duration of every call sent or received on Viber. You can ensure that your kids are not talking to dangerous people or employees are not leaking sensitive information.It lets you track the target device data remotely at any convenient time. Just log into your control panel to have access to everything you want to check.

More importantly, it works in stealth mode so that kids will find that this app is running on their phone. It neither drain much battery or slow down the phone. This lightweight application provides you with necessary information.

What are the benefits of Viber spy app?

Viber spy app gives you access to related data and offers various benefits. You can download its free trial and see how it can work for you. Below are some benefits that Chamspy can offer you:

Set up parental control

This app helps set up parental control on target device and gives parents peace of mind that kids are safe online. By tracking Viber messages and keyword used on kids’ phone, parents can identify potential dangers and take measure in time.

parental control

Find lost phone easily

It lets you easily track the location of a cell phone, no matter where and how far it is. You can easily know your kids’ whereabouts as well as your phone’s location.

Improve employee productivity

By tracking Viber messages, employers can find out the truth and ensure that employees are still loyal. Moreover, when employees are notified being monitored, they will improve their productivity and work properly.

Catch cheating spouse

When you enter a relationship, you expect mutual trust. If your spouse is not giving enough time to you and live every time. You can track Viber messages and find out the truth.

Can I spy on Viber without accessing the target device?

It requires one-time access to target Android device to download and install Viber spy app on it. Upon successful installation, you can spy on Viber without accesing the target device. On the contrary, you can spy on Viber without accessing the target iOS device. No physical access and download are required. You just need to register your account with email, add the iCloud details of target device and disable the two-factor authentication. Finally, log into your account on any browser and track Viber activity.


When it comes to spy on Viber messages, Chamspy can be a good choice. You can remotely track kids or employee’s digital activities. It encourages ethical supervision of kids to keep an eye on their phone activities and protects them from online threats. Also, it lets you monitor employees for the protection of business secrets.




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