
How To Using ChamSpy to Stop Cyber-Bullying

updated on 11 18, 2020 | Blog

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No one can diminish the impact internet had on our civilization. But, same as every other great invention, the global network is also sometimes used for bad things. One of those issues is cyber-bullying. This problem is, unfortunately, very common, although it seems people don’t like talking about it. What is most worrying is that kids are often victims of online bullying and many of them can’t cope with it.

What is Cyberbullying

Psychology behind Cyber-Bullying

To explain why cyber-bullying exists, we need to get back to the first part of the 20th century, when Sigmund Freud came up with the theory of psychoanalytic personality. According to the theory, there are three parts of the psychic apparatus of a person – Ego, Super-Ego and Id. Super-ego refers to the moral high ground, while id is made of our most primal desires. You can look at super-ego and id as an angel and a devil sitting on our shoulders, telling us what to do. In this case, ego is what keeps the balance with between these two.

When there are no boundaries to keep people’s negative emotions restrained, they can start behaving badly. Anonymity provided by the internet allows people to feel safe and sometimes they can let their Id free. From the comfort of their home, hidden behind a username, some people feel like they have the right to attack and offend other people. The internet is filled with malicious comments, often containing racist and misogynic insults. Of course, in real life those people would probably refrain from making such comments, but online they feel totally free.

Knowing what’s in the core of the cyber-bulling helps people become resistant to malicious comments. However, some people simply can’t stay indifferent when someone is insulting them. This is especially true when it comes to children, who are often targeted by cyber-bullies. The fact is that cyber-bullies are picking on the weakest, so those kids need our help. If your child is one of those, you need to react quickly. Still, not many kids are willing to admit they’re being bullied online.

How to Know If Your Child is being Cyber-Bullied

How to Know If Your Child is being Cyber-Bullied

According to a research, over 70% of young people between 13 and 22 have been victims of online bullying. This means that you need to look into this issue as chances are high that your kid might face the same problem. A good way to do this is to track what your child is doing online. The problem with this approach is that the kid will probably refuse to tell you everything.

Another survey has shown that more than 40% of parents have no idea what they would do if they found out their child’s been bullied online. One third of them said they would take away the computers from their children. This is not the right solution. In fact, this way you are basically punishing the victim, not the perpetrator. The solution to cyber-bullying is talking to your kid and teaching them how to deal with it. The biggest problem with teens is that they feel they’re grownups who don’t need their parent’s help to solve their problems. So, the first thing you need to do is to find out for sure if your child has been cyber-bullied.

A way to learn whether your child is being bullied online, while still keeping the trust between you two, is using parental control app. An app that can help you with this is ChamSpy. This tracking application is amazing for getting info about what your kid has been doing online. Not only will it help you see whether your kid is being bullied or not, it can also help you prevent a number of other issues. For example, this app can help you find out if your child is at risk of using drugs, etc.

Using ChamSpy to Stop Cyber-Bullying

Purchasing an ChamSpy package will allow you to get an insight of your child’s online conversations made on their phone. This app allows you to monitor almost everything that they’ve been doing on the internet as it can track all most popular social media apps, like Facebook and Instagram, but also popular messaging services like WhatsApp, Skype and Viber.




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