
How to hack someones’ cell phone with just their number?

updated on 10 26, 2020 | Blog

chamspy app

Do you want to hack someones cell phone with just their number? Are you suspicious that something may be wrong with your kids? Is it possible to know if your employees slack off during working time? Then you’ve come to the right place. With technology evolving in a crazily fast pace, advanced software are created to make knowing what is going on in the world more easier. What you need to do is read on and learn how to hack someones’ cell phone.

hack someones’ cell phone with just their number

Why you need to hack someones’ phone?

There can be many situations where you feel the need to hack someone’s cell phone. For example, with cell phone on the hands, kids have access to everything available on the internet. Chances are that they can visit inappropriate website, chat with strangers, watch porn videos and more. Parents are worried about the kids’ online safety and want to know what their kids are up to.

Similarly, some employees tend to waste time on company-owned devices unnecessarily. They may chat with friends, make private phone calls, waste productive time on cell phone during office hours. If you’re a employer, you must look for a way to track your employee’s activities and find out if they are doing their work effectively.

How to hack someones’ phone with just their number?

When it comes to hacking someone’s phone, it may not be possible to hack the phone or find someone’s location by phone number. You may need the IMEI number and the carrier to hack the Android cell phone. Moreover, you will need physical access to target phone.

On the contrary, if you want to hack an iPhone with just the number, you need to get iTunes credentials to log into iCloud. With the credentials, you can get necessary information. However, when you have the credentials, you will no longer need the cell phone number. The credentials is enough to hack a cell phone. Furthermore, the iCloud backup related to the cell phone should be enabled.

For Android phone, there is no uniform storage app like iCloud. Thus, it’s advisable to use a third-party app to access an Android phone. Below, we’re going to introduce how you can hack someone’s phone with cell phone tracker.

How to hack someones’ cell phone with cell phone tracker?

The best proven way to hack someones’ cell phone is use a cell phone tracker. There are several cell phone trackers available on the market that can make your job easier. However, few of them actually work. That’s where Chamspy comes in.

Chamspy is a reliable and feature-rich cell phone tracker that helps you hack someone’s cell phone. With this app, parents can know what their kids are up to. Likewise, spouse can keep tabs on their partner’s activities. Employers can make use of this app to know if employees waste productive time during office hours.

It works on all smartphones and tablets running Android 4.x and above. Just one-time access to target device, you can get necessary information. To hack someone’s cell phone, you can follow these instructions:

Step 1. Select the subscription plan and proceed with the purchase

Step 2. Receive an email with the login and password to your personal control panel, log in to your panel to find the installation instructions

Step 3. Launch the target phone’s browser, type in the link for downloading Chamspy and continue with the installation

Step 4. Log into your account and track digital activities

What can you get from cell phone tracker?

Once you set it up, you’ll be able to keep track of target phone activities. This powerful tool provides you with various features that one need to spy on target device. Let’s see its main features:

Social media monitoring: It gives you access to messages on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Tinder and more. You can also see the media files exchanged.

Location tracker: It helps you to track GPS location in real-time. You can monitor at what time the target is available at a particular location with the timestamps. You will get alert when the target pone move across geofencing boundaries.

Call tracker: It allows you to view all incoming and outgoing calls. Caller details and call duration are also accessible using this app.

Keylogger feature: This app record every keystroke on target device. You can access shared messages, search phrases, user account and much more. You’ll easily know what the person has typed on target device.

Final thoughts

From the blog we’ve discussed carefully, it may not be possible to hack someones cell phone with just their number. There are various limitations to do that. However, you can take advantage of cell phone tracker like Chamspy to hack someones’ cell phone. It does an excellent job of tracking target phone activities and getting necessary information.




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