
How to spy on your child’s phone to prevent cyberbullying?

updated on 08 19, 2020 | Blog

chamspy app

Cyberbullying has become a worldwide social issue with the increasing use of mobile phone. A child may be bullied online and also has possible chances to bully others or witness online bullying. This worries parents because cyberbullying can have a long-lasting effect on child’s mental health. Considering how painful it can be, it’s better to know how to prevent cyberbullying before it happens. Luckily, spying on your child’s phone helps discover inappropriate content and prevent this awful issue. Scroll down the blog and learn how to spy on your child’s phone to prevent cyberbullying.



Signs that your child is being cyberbullied


Cyberbullying is the kind of bullying which occurs via chat, email, social media or other interactive digital media or mobile phone communications by another person. There are plenty of warning signs for parents that your child is being cyberbullied or bullying other young fellows. Children who are victims of cyberbullying often:


  • Withdraw from normally scheduled activities
  • Show fear when it’s time to go to school
  • Increasing signs of depression
  • Decline in school performance
  • Respond with a loss of interest in family and friends
  • Sudden increase or decrease in the use of cell phone
  • Signs of physical altercations, such as bruises, scrapes and other marks



No child should have to go through any of these awful issues. Cyberbullying can seriously damage the health, psyche and undermine the wellbeing especially who are subjected to it. If you notice any changes in your child’s behavior, you should take measures and steps to prevent cyberbullying before it happens.


How to monitor your child’s phone to prevent cyberbullying?


Various options are available when it comes to prevent cyberbullying. It’s advisable to educate yourself about different types of cyberbullying and learn about all the social media platforms your children use. Moreover, you should be patient and talk to your children what cyberbullying is, whether he knows someone is being bullied, and what to do when they are experiencing online bullying. The use of spy apps or parental control app also can be a good option if you want to care for your child in a discreet way.


Chamspy provides you with a safe, cost-effective way to spy on your child’s phone to prevent cyberbullying. This full-featured and reliable spy app allows you to spy on your child’s phone remotely and discreetly. It is compatible with Android 4.x and up. Once installed on target device, you’ll be able to:


  • View call logs and block restricted calls: If your child receives wrong calls and someone is trying to harass your child on phone calls, you can block them and prevent unwanted communication.
  • View text messages: Chamspy empowers parents to read sent and receoved text messages, including deleted ones. Parents can know who your child is talking to and prevent unwanted communication.



  • Spy on instant messengers : This app enables you to monitor messaging apps like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. You’ll see incoming and outgoing messages and know whom your child is texting via group chats to prevent unwanted exposure.
  • Track current location: If you have suspicions that someone has bullied your child in real life or digital world and he is away from the home, you can track his current location along with time, date, longitude and latitude.
  • Set geofence alerts: You can set boundaries and receive alerts when your child crosses the boundaries. It help ensures that your child stays in a safe neighboring area.



These are just glimpses of features that Chamspy can offer. You can download its trial and explore its advanced features. Once done, you can spy on your child’s phone discreetly. This app works on stealth mode without triggering any notification. You also won’t interfere with your child’s phone activities. Chamspy helps you get access to all necessary information and you can take measures instantly if you discover any inappropriate content on his smartphone.



Cyberbullying has become a common problem that has hit the world by storm and spread devastating impacts on the lives of young kids. With the help of Chamspy parental control app, parents can spy on their child’s phone and see exactly what’s going on. It can protect their kids from bullying online and stop their children to be the online predator.





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